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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation in San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Plastic Surgery San Antonio, TX | Breast Augmentation

Women seek breast enhancement (augmentation mammoplasty) for a variety of reasons.  For many women, it is not just to increase the size of their breasts, but may be to feel more comfortable in a swimsuit or confident out of clothes.  It may be to return to their pre-pregnancy shape and volume.  Some aim to correct an asymmetry or abnormal breast development that has plagued them since adolescence.  Whether a woman wants people to know they’ve had a “boob job” or prefers a more reserved look, Dr. Albright will assist you in achieving your specific goals with breast augmentation in San Antonio TX.  Check out Before and After Photos.
And the blog article 5 Tips for Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos.

Given the variety of goals and body shapes, breast augmentation may seem a bit overwhelming.  Relax! Dr. Albright, one of the best breast augmentation surgeons in San Antonio, TX, has the skills and experience to walk you through the options that are best for you.  He will explain breast implants and augmentation techniques in a way that makes sense.  Breast lift, Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift, or Breast Fat Graft might be another option for you. Dr. Albright takes the time to explain the relative risks and benefits of different breast augmentation techniques so you can make the best decision for you. Check out Dr. Albright's YouTube video for a brief introduction to Breast Augmentation.

Schedule an appointment today with Dr. William Albright at Alamo Plastic Surgery, a top plastic surgeon in San Antonio, Texas.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, or fullness of the breasts. This is typically done using either saline or silicone breast implants, which are inserted beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles. The goal of breast augmentation is to improve the symmetry, contour, or overall appearance of the breasts, often for cosmetic reasons or to restore volume lost due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. It can also be used in reconstructive surgery to rebuild the breast after mastectomy or injury.

Breast Augmentation Shapes and Sizes

Breast augmentation offers a range of options in both the shape and size of implants to help you achieve your desired look. Here's an overview of the key choices:

Breast Augmentation Shapes

  • Round Implants: These are the most commonly used shape and provide a fuller, more lifted appearance, especially in the upper portion of the breast. Round implants are symmetrical, so the breast maintains the same shape regardless of positioning. They can provide more noticeable cleavage and a more enhanced look.
  • Teardrop (Anatomical) Implants: Shaped to mimic the natural contours of the breast, teardrop implants have more volume at the bottom and taper toward the top. This provides a more subtle, natural appearance, often preferred by those seeking a less augmented look.

Breast Augmentation Sizes

Implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc), with sizes typically ranging from 150cc to 800cc or more. The size chosen depends on your anatomy, personal goals, and the recommendation of your surgeon during your consultation. Factors like your chest width, breast tissue, and skin elasticity will be considered to determine the best size for your body.

When choosing both shape and size, it's essential to balance your aesthetic desires with what's appropriate for your anatomy to achieve a beautiful, natural-looking result. Your surgeon will guide you through the options to help you select the implant shape and size that best fits your body and goals.

Placement Techniques: Underneath vs. Above the Muscle

When it comes to breast augmentation, there are two primary placement techniques for the implants: underneath the muscle (submuscular) or above the muscle (subglandular). Each option offers distinct advantages, and the best choice depends on your anatomy, lifestyle, and desired outcome.

Underneath the Muscle (Submuscular Placement)

In this technique, the implant is placed partially or fully beneath the pectoral muscle. This placement tends to offer a more natural look, especially for those with less natural breast tissue. It may also reduce the risk of visible rippling or wrinkling of the implant and could lower the risk of capsular contracture (a complication where scar tissue forms tightly around the implant). However, recovery may take slightly longer since the muscle needs time to heal.

Above the Muscle (Subglandular Placement)

Here, the implant is placed directly behind the breast tissue but above the chest muscle. This technique generally involves a quicker recovery period and may be a good option for patients with more natural breast tissue to cover the implant. It can also create a more lifted appearance for some patients. However, the results may appear less natural in patients with minimal breast tissue, and there could be a higher chance of visible implant edges or rippling.

During your consultation, we will evaluate your anatomy and aesthetic goals to recommend the placement that will deliver the best possible outcome for you.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast augmentation involves selecting both the shape and size of implants to achieve your desired look. Implants come in two main shapes: round and teardrop (anatomical). Round implants are often used to provide a fuller upper breast, while teardrop implants mimic the natural slope of the breast with more volume at the bottom. Both shapes come in various sizes to fit your unique body and goals, and the size is measured in cubic centimeters (cc) to reflect volume rather than cup size.

At our practice, we do not use textured implants due to their connection with a rare type of cancer called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Instead, we prioritize safety and offer smooth implants, which have not been linked to these health risks.

Silicone Implants

Silicone breast implants are a popular option for women seeking breast augmentation. These implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that closely mimics the feel of natural breast tissue, making them a top choice for patients who want a softer, more natural-looking result.

It’s important to note that silicone implants, like all breast implants, are not lifetime devices. Regular follow-up visits and monitoring are recommended, and most surgeons advise periodic imaging, such as an MRI or ultrasound, to ensure the implants remain intact.

Saline Implants

Saline breast implants are another popular option for breast augmentation. These implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution (saline) and are known for their safety and flexibility in size.

Overall, saline implants are a safe, effective option for breast augmentation, particularly for those who prefer the peace of mind that comes with immediate detection of rupture and natural absorption of the saline solution.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Gummy Bear breast implants, also known as cohesive gel implants, are a type of silicone implant that offers a firmer, more stable form compared to traditional silicone implants. They are called "Gummy Bear" implants because the silicone gel inside is thicker and more cohesive, similar to the consistency of a gummy bear candy. Even if the implant shell is broken, the gel inside holds its shape, which provides several advantages.

Gummy Bear implants offer a great combination of natural shape and durability, making them an excellent option for patients looking for long-lasting, natural-looking breast augmentation.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a natural alternative to traditional breast implants that uses your body fat to enhance the size and shape of your breasts. This procedure, also known as autologous fat grafting, involves removing fat from other areas of your body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks, through liposuction and then purifying and injecting the fat into the breasts.

Fat transfer breast augmentation is an excellent option for those looking for a natural way to enhance their breasts while sculpting other body areas. It is ideal for women who want a subtle, natural boost in size and shape without using implants.

Silicone vs. Saline Implants

When choosing between silicone and saline breast implants, it’s important to understand the critical differences in terms of appearance, feel, and safety. Both options can provide excellent results but offer distinct advantages depending on your body type and aesthetic goals. Here’s a comparison:

Silicone Implants:

  1. Feel and Appearance: Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that closely mimics the feel of natural breast tissue. They are known for providing a soft, natural look and feel, making them a popular choice, especially for women with less natural breast tissue.
  2. Shape Options: Silicone implants come in round and teardrop (anatomical) shapes, allowing for various aesthetic outcomes. Teardrop-shaped implants can offer a more natural slope to the breast, while round implants provide a fuller, more lifted appearance.
  3. Implant Integrity: Silicone implants are pre-filled before being inserted, and even if they rupture, the cohesive gel generally stays in place, meaning the breast’s shape won’t immediately change. Regular MRI or ultrasound scans are recommended to detect silent ruptures since the rupture may not be noticeable.
  4. Incision Size: Silicone implants require a slightly larger incision than saline implants because they come pre-filled, whereas saline implants are filled after insertion.
  5. Cost: Silicone implants tend to be more expensive than saline implants due to their material and their aesthetic advantages.
  6. Preferred by Many Patients: Because silicone implants offer a more natural feel and reduced risk of visible rippling or wrinkling, they are often the preferred choice for many women.

Saline Implants:

  1. Feel and Appearance: Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, which gives them a less natural feel compared to silicone. They can still provide good results but may not feel as natural as silicone implants, especially in patients with less natural breast tissue.
  2. Adjustable Size: Saline implants are inserted empty and then filled with saline once placed inside the breast. This allows for a slightly smaller incision and the ability to fine-tune the implant size during surgery.
  3. Immediate Rupture Detection: If a saline implant ruptures, it will deflate immediately, and the body safely absorbs the saline solution. This makes it easy to detect a rupture without the need for imaging.
  4. Incision Size: Since saline implants are filled after being inserted, they typically require a smaller incision, which can lead to a less noticeable scar.
  5. Cost: Saline implants are generally less expensive than silicone implants, making them a more affordable option for some patients.
  6. Rippling: Saline implants are more prone to visible rippling or wrinkling, particularly in patients with thinner skin or less breast tissue. This can be more noticeable with subglandular placement (above the muscle).

Breast Augmentation Procedure FAQs

How much does a breast augmentation cost in San Antonio?

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The cost of a breast augmentation in San Antonio can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon's experience and the specifics of the procedure. At our practice, the price ranges from $6,000 to $9,000 with saline being the least expensive. This typically includes the surgeon's fee, anesthesia, facility costs, and post-operative care. For a more accurate quote based on your individual needs and desired results, we recommend scheduling a consultation.

How long do breast implants last?

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Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, but they can last for many years. On average, breast implants can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years, though some may last longer without any issues. It is important to note that implants may need to be replaced or revised over time due to factors like implant rupture, leakage, or changes in breast appearance caused by aging, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy. Regular follow-ups with your surgeon and monitoring the condition of your implants can help ensure they last as long as possible. Some patients may never need a replacement, while others might require one sooner, depending on individual circumstances.

What is the recovery time and activity restrictions after breast implants?

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Dr. Albright wants all of his patients to get the best result possible.  What we do after breast augmentation surgery is just as important as the surgery itself.  Although there are slight variations in breast augmentation techniques, patients will have 2 weeks with minimal reaching/pulling with the arms, and less than 20 pounds lifting of weight.  This is followed by 2 more weeks of less than 45 pounds lifting, but during this time you may reach and pull with the arms.  In total, there will be 4 weeks of no intense exercise and you will be in a bra 24/7 except for showering.  After these 4 weeks, most patients may begin regular exercise as tolerated. See below for quick 4 minute video from Dr. Albright on recovery:

What type of breast implant is the best choice, silicone or saline?

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During your consultation, Dr. Albright, one of the best breast implant surgeons in Texas, he will discuss the differences between salt-water (saline) filled versus silicone gel filled breast implants. For most patients the choice will boil down to the overall comfort level with risks/benefits of the implant fill material.  Here is a brief comparison of saline versus silicone breast implants. For further information check out our blog article on the different types of implants.

1. Breast Implants and Rupture

For saline implants, if the implant were to rupture, your body would slowly absorb the salt-water and you would notice a “deflation” or loss of volume in the affected breast. Conversely, with newer cohesive silicone implants, implant ruptures are often “silent”, meaning you may not be able to see or feel a difference in the implant after a rupture.  The FDA recommends scheduled MRI surveillance of silicone implants to help detect these silent ruptures.  If your silicone implant ruptures, the FDA recommends having it removed with or without replacement.  The recommended MRI’s are not covered by insurance and will have to be paid out of pocket.

2. Breast Implant Cost

‍Saline implants are typically less expensive to purchase than silicone implants (typically several hundred dollars) but may have less extensive warranty coverage.  An exception to the cheaper initial cost for saline-filled implants is the new “Ideal Implant”, which is a “structured”saline-filled implant that is purported to feel more like a silicone implant and has a similar overall cost to silicone implants.

3. Breast Implant Feel

Silicone implants, including gummy bear breast implants, are widely accepted as feeling more “natural” or“breast-like” particularly when squeezed or prodded. However, this is likely an over simplification. The overall implant feel is also affected by implant pocket selection, implant fill characteristics (over-filled vs under-filled saline and more or less cohesive silicone gel), and overall soft tissue coverage.  Dr. Albright typically reserves saline-filled implant use to below the muscle (total submuscular) to minimize any unnatural feel.  Furthermore, he discourages using saline implants in a dual-plane pocket as these implants may migrate more quickly due to a water hammer effect from the saline fluid on the surrounding soft tissue.

4. Breast Implant Weight

The implant fill density (typically grams per cc of volume) is very similar between 0.9% Normal Saline, and cohesive silicone gel.  Both approximate 1g per cc.  Since saline implants come deflated and are filled with salt water during the procedure, they have a range of fill volumes that can be placed and are more adjustable, whereas silicone implants come pre filled and have a fixed volume. But even with these variables, differences between implant weight (at least within the range of most implant sizes) are negligible.

5. Implant Rippling

Alamo Plastic Surgery is the one of the best places to get breast implants in Texas. Every breast implant has the risk for rippling/scalloping/waviness/folding in its shell.  This is why ensuring adequate soft tissue coverage to “hide” the implant is so important. There are certainly differences in overall risk of seeing or feeling these ripples or folds. Underfilled-saline implants are at greater risk than over-filled saline implants.  Less cohesive silicone gel filled implants are at greater risk than more cohesive silicone gel implants.  

Should my breast implants be placed over or under the muscle?

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Implant pocket is the most important determinant of outcome and is described by the relationship of the implant to the pectoralis muscle on the chest.  The “pec” muscle is a flat fan-shaped chest muscle connected to the front of the chest on three sides (collar bone, outside border of the breast bone, and along the ribs near the lower part of the breast).  The muscle is not connected to the chest wall on the side toward your armpit (you can pinch the muscle between your fingers on the side) as it spans over the armpit to connect the chest to your upper arm.  Placing the implant above this muscle is called subglandular or prepectoral.  Placing the implant below the muscle is called submuscular or subpectoral, and can be further differentiated by being completely under the muscle (total submuscular), or partly under the muscle (dual-plane). When an implant is placed below the muscle, the procedure is more painful and you may need more pain medication. However, for most women, the pain is temporary and there is no difference in pain long term. By changing the pocket, you can change the overall breast look as well as the relative short and long term risks and benefits of the procedure.  During your consultation from the breast implant specialist, Dr. Albright will help you decide which implant pocket is best for you.
Breast Implant Pocket Infographic | Breast AugmentationBreast Implant Pocket Infographic | Breast Augmentation

What is the right size breast implant for my body?

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Although most women worry about specific implant volume, implant pocket and implant dimensions are more important considerations-- especially if you have a particular “look” you are trying to achieve.  To this end, a simple exercise for patients considering breast augmentation is to begin collecting photos of models you like, in clothes/swimsuits/underwear/naked.  You can also view Dr Albright’s B&A gallery online or in the office to get additional examples. Together you and Dr. Albright, who owns Alamo Plastic Surgery (one of the best places to get breast augmentation) will figure out how to achieve your best look. Please see 3 minute video below from Dr. Albright on sizing implants:

Do I need a breast lift with my breast augmentation procedure?

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This is the first question to answer when considering a breast augmentation.  Dr. Albright will assess your breast tissue, the skin of the breast and the position of the nipple to help you decide which of breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast lift with breast augmentation would be best.  The ideal breast augmentation candidate is a patient that desires more breast volume. If you desire to wear a larger cup size, then more volume will be needed. If you are happy with the volume of breast tissue in a bra, but not with the droopiness of the breast out of clothing, then a breast lift is best.  Do you want more volume and need to fix a little breast droop?  Typically, if the nipple position is below the fold of the breast while standing in front of a mirror and you want larger breasts, a lift with an implant (augmentation mastopexy) procedure will likely be needed. Visit Alamo Plastic Surgery for an affordable breast augmentation quote with financing starting at $257/month. For a full explanation visit Dr. Albright's YouTube explanation on breast implants with lift versus breast augmentation. Please see short 4 minute video below on how to tell if you need a lift with breast augmentation:

Why do breast implants move/displace over time?

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‍Gravity, muscle contraction, and soft tissue resistance to these forces.


All implants will have a natural tendency to displace over time due to gravity.  Implants are weights.  In fact, implants are typically more dense (weigh more given same volume) than breast tissue!  Implant pocket will affect the degree of implant displacement due to gravity.  When the implant is placed completely underneath the pectoralis muscle (the lower part of the muscle is still connected to the ribs near the bottom fold of the breast), the implant will be supported by these muscle fiber attachments and resist downward movement of the implant due to gravity.  Subglandular and Dual Plane Submuscular pockets do not have this lower muscle support and therefore will be more likely to allow implants to move down the chest. Get your breast implantation surgery from the one of the top rated breast implant surgeons in Texas - Dr. Albright. 

Muscle Contraction

When an implant is placed underneath the pectoralis muscle and the muscle contracts, the muscle fibers will shorten and create a pressure on the implant.  The implant will want to go where there is less pressure, and this is typically where there is no muscle coverage.  Imagine squeezing a balloon in your fist, the balloon will be pushed out through the open side of your fist.  Both total submuscular implants and partial submuscular (dual plane) implants are subjected to this force from contracting muscle.  These two implant pockets will tend to push the implants toward the armpits over time.  Additionally, for dual plane implants, where there is no longer muscle support from the bottom side of the breast, and therefore, the implant can also be pushed out from under the breast toward the belly.  This creates a “double-bubble” deformity.  When an implant is placed above the muscle, it is not squeezed by the muscle and actively displaced by muscle contraction. Dr. Albright has great skills and expertise in breast implantation and he is considered as one of the best breast implant surgeons in Texas. 

Soft Tissue Resistance

The only thing resisting gravity and muscle contraction is soft tissue (skin, fascia and scar tissue). The skin and fascia of the breast are designed to stretch to allow for possible milk production, and are therefore not ideal counter-forces. Women with damaged skin and stretch marks on the breasts are particularly at risk.   The only remaining soft tissue support is the scar tissue that forms around the implant. When an implant is placed in your body, your body will start to wall it off with scar tissue.  This scar tissue is called the implant capsule.  Patients differ in how robust this scar tissue layer is. Plastic surgeons’ do not have a way to predict how thick or robust this scar tissue will be for patients.  If you happen to produce a thin/flimsy capsule, your implant will be more likely to migrate out of position. Plastic surgeons’ have tried to create a thicker capsules by using textured surfaces to the implants, and a variety of meshes to reinforce the capsule.  Textured surfaces on the implant allow a more intimate connection between the scar tissue and the implant thereby resisting movement of the implant. However, these textured surfaces have been implicated in a very rare type of cancer.  The lone remaining viable option is  to use a mesh to support the implant and resist displacement due to muscle contraction.  Meshes are either biologic or synthetic and all have unique benefits and drawbacks. Dr. William Albright is one of the premier plastic surgeons in Texas and offers first-class plastic surgery services in a comfortable and private environment. Please see video below from Dr. William Albright on breast implant migration factors:

Which breast augmentation incision is best for me?

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Dr Albright recommends placing the breast augmentation incision along the lower breast fold (inframammary fold). This affords the best control of implant pocket dissection, a critical step during breast augmentation.  Additionally this incision is associated with the lowest risk of developing capsular contracture, which is a progressive pathologic thickening of the scar tissue around the implant (the capsule). The most widely accepted cause of capsular contracture is chronic inflammation in the scar tissue around the implant due to bacteria colonizing the surface of the implant.  The bacteria may be encountered during implant placement either through milk ducts around the areola or in hair bearing pores / sweat glands in the armpit (axilla). Accessing the breast pocket through the belly button (umbilicus) or TUBA (transumbilical breast augmentation), has been criticized for difficulty with pocket development, and limits implant selection to saline implants.

How can I maintain my results from breast augmentation?

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Understanding that the biology of aging can’t be reversed with a scalpel, there are some common sense precautions you can take to prolong the longevity of your result.  Breast tissue and breast implants have weight.  In fact, breast implants are typically heavier than native breast tissue for the same volume.   Fat transfer breast augmentation has gravity and activities will move this weight over time, and eventually overpower the soft tissue support creating droopiness and a poorly positioned implant.  For this reason, Dr. Albright recommends wearing breast support as much as possible, including at night, for life.  Related to this concept of soft tissue strain, one should avoid significant weight fluctuations either up or down.  Finally, we can avoid unnecessary damage to the soft tissue by limiting nicotine exposure and tanning.

When will I see results from my Breast Augmentation?

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For most patients there will be initial swelling from breast augmentation surgery followed by gradual resolution of the swelling with a resulting loss of volume.  Around 2 months, most of the swelling has resolved and you will be at your approximate breast size.  At this point you can go out and purchase your new wardrobe (bras, bikinis, etc)!  However, even at this point, you may not have your final breast SHAPE out-of-clothes (how the breast will look when standing naked).  This is because the overlying soft tissues are still adjusting to the implant which takes about 2-3 months for above-the-muscle implants to about 4-6 months for below-the-muscle implants.  Depending on your goals, this may help you figure out when to schedule your breast augmentation surgery Stone Oak, TX.

Exceptional. Compassionate. Trusted.

Breast Augmentation
“ I recently had breast augmentation, and I am so pleased with my results. He spent a great deal of time explaining my options, listening to what I wanted, and providing his opinion. I visited other surgeons in the area and didn’t feel any of the others listened or cared quite like Dr. Albright. Not only do I recommend Dr. Albright, hospital nurses said he is the best! ”
Breast Augmentation
“I had a very positive experience. I always felt comfortable and he was very knowledgable and helpful with any questions I had. He helped me understand the procedure at the consultation and during and after the surgery he was available and ready to help if I needed anything. I would highly recommend Dr. Albright and his wonderful staff!”
Breast Augmentation
" All of my life I have been small chested, and when I became a mommy, it only went downhill from there. I didn't know that the smallest "A" could sag and really deflate my confidence. I began working out, and became a Beach Body Coach. I strive to help others feel as confident as possible with exercise and eating right on a daily basis. This became very hard for me to continue to do, when I myself, was lacking confidence in one area. The more chest and arm exercises I did, the more my breasts began to look like "pecks". I came to Dr. Albright for a simple consultation, and left feeling more motivated than ever. His staff was so professional, and despite my want for "cosmetic" surgery, they were very welcoming!! I was in and out at my consult, and also at my second appointment. We scheduled surgery for two weeks later. Everything went great, and I saw Dr. Albright the next day for my follow up. All of the decisions that we chose to make as far as my breast augmentation, were spot on. My recovery time was 4-6 weeks, and I didn't have much pain at all. At 4 weeks, I was cleared to begin working out again, very slowly. This was a quick recovery, and life got back to normal. I would have this surgery all over again, and have already recommended Dr. Albright and his staff to everyone I know!! This was the most convenient, and wonderful experience I could have had with a surgery!!! "
Beach Body Coach
Breast Augmentation
" Dr. Albright spent a great deal of time to explain pros and cons and the best options that would benefit me the most regarding my breast augmentation. The best place to go for honest and open discussions, reality vs misconceptions and the confidence of feeling better about oneself. Highly recommend! "
Breast Augmentation
" Dr. Albright is a very skilled surgeon and a very kind provider. He spent a great deal of time explaining the breast augmentation options and providing his opinion on which option is the best for me along with why. There was a slight mix up (no fault of his) and he worked to ensure my procedure went on as planned. Throughout he stayed in contact and made me a laugh. I am very pleased with my results and the aftercare I have received. The nurses at the hospital shared how much they like him, too! "
Breast Augmentation
" All of my life I have been small chested, and I didn't know that the smallest "A" could sag and really deflate my confidence. I began working out, and with each chest exercise, my breasts began to look more like "pecks". Dr. Albright was very professional, knowledgeable, and believes that his patients should research before making a decision. The staff is so welcoming, and made me comfortable. I went with a small implant, and I would have surgery all over again under Dr. Albright's care! "
Alamo Plastic Surgery San Antonio TX | Team - Dr. Albright, Franchesca Espinosa, Juli Albright
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Breast Augmentation

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San Antonio, TEXAS

Breast size, shape and proportion play a unique role in every woman’s self-perception, sense of physical balance, femininity, and confidence. The art of Breast Augmentation in Texas is so much more than simply “enlarging” the breasts — it is realized through the profound consideration of each individual’s desires, inherent anatomical forms, and meticulous attention to the techniques and safety of their union.

Breast Augmentation San Antonio – Breast Implants

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These Breast Augmentation before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Albright. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.

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Name / Name

No two breast augmentations are the same; each is as diverse as a woman's unique goals and physique, and as different as the surgeon who performs them.

As a leading board certified plastic surgeon in central Texas, Dr. Albright consistently delivers life-changing surgical results and an exceptional plastic surgery experience for his patients. After training with plastic surgeons from around the world, Dr. Albright wanted to bring his expertise back to his hometown of San Antonio.

Check our blog article about Breast Augmentation:
5 Tips for Breast Augmentation

Women seek breast enhancement (augmentation mammoplasty) for a variety of reasons. For many women, it is not just to increase the size of their breasts, but may be to feel more comfortable in a swimsuit or confident out of clothes.  It may be to return to their pre-pregnancy shape and volume. Some aim to correct an asymmetry or abnormal breast development that has plagued them since adolescence. Whether a woman wants people to know they’ve had a “boob job” or prefers a more reserved look, Dr. Albright will assist you in achieving your specific goals with breast augmentation in San Antonio TX.

Given the variety of goals and body shapes, breast augmentation may seem a bit overwhelming.

Relax! Dr. Albright, one of the best breast augmentation surgeons in San Antonio, TX, has the skills and experience to walk you through the options that are best for you.  He will explain breast implants and augmentation techniques in a way that makes sense. Breast lift, Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift, or Breast Fat Graft might be another option for you. Dr. Albright takes the time to explain the relative risks and benefits of different breast augmentation techniques so you can make the best decision for you.

Check out Dr. Albright's YouTube video for a brief introduction to Breast Augmentation:

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*includes general anesthesia, facility, surgeon's and implant fees.
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When planning your breast augmentation,
there are four primary components that are essential to consider:

The two primary breast implant options available for cosmetic breast augmentation are silicone implants and saline implants. Both breast implants are safe, FDA approved devices that are excellent choices for breast enlargement. The current generation of silicone breast implant is pre-filled with a cohesive silicone gel, and saline implants are filled with salt water solution at the time of surgery. Each has a similar silicone elastomer outer shell. At comparable volumes, the look of each implant is virtually identical. To the touch, the silicone gel implants have a more natural, breast-like feel.

Breast augmentation can be performed using incisions in the lower crease beneath the breast (inframammary crease incision), along the lowest border of the pigmented areola (periareolar incision), or within the underarm (transaxillary incision). In consideration of a variety of factors including areolar size, breast shape, breast glandular density, inframammary fold definition, size goals, implant selection, and personal preferences, Dr. Kolker will advise you on the best breast augmentation incision options.

To minimize incision length and to gently introduce silicone gel implants with a minimal or “no-touch” technique, a Keller Funnel is uniformly used. The Keller Funnel is an implant insertion device with a slick, low-friction surface that enables the placement of silicone breast implants through smaller incisions. Using these devices since 2010, Dr. Kolker uses the Keller Funnel for every breast augmentation.

Breast implants can be placed below the muscle (submuscular augmentation), or above the muscle (subglandular augmentation). Submuscular augmentation confers the following benefits:Provides increased coverage of the breast implantsSoftens the upper pole of the breast leading to a more seamless, natural transition from collar bone to nippleMaintains long term stability of the breast pocketMarkedly decreases rates of capsular contractureLessens influence on mammographyDr. Kolker uniformly utilizes a submuscular pocket plane. “Dual plane” augmentation is a form of submuscular augmentation that allows for maximal coverage of the upper pole of the implant by muscle, and direct effacement of the lower breast gland; this maneuver is employed when there is minor lower pole soft tissue excess or mild droop (ptosis) of the breast.

Breast implants are available in a wide array of shapes, profiles, and sizes. Round implants or anatomical implants can be used. Both implants assume a tear-drop shape when upright. Implant profile refers to the projection of an implant for a given base dimension. Choices are made from among three profiles, corresponding to low or moderate projection (less volume and anterior convexity), midrange or moderate plus projection (intermediate volume and convexity), and high profile (maximum volume and convexity). Considering the nuances of your anatomy and the subtleties of your specific desires, Dr. Kolker will advise you on the best breast implant style, profile, and projection options to achieve your goals.

Choosing the correct breast implant size is a process that begins with your initial consultation. Dr. Kolker is fastidious about getting to know the nuances of every individual’s wishes and goals. These desires are married with the careful anatomical measurements and tissue assessment to establish an initial size “range”. At a preoperative visit approximately two weeks before surgery, the goal is further confirmed with a series of neoprene bead-filled sacs used as “sizers” that are placed into a special brassiere; you will try a range of sizes to get a better sense of dimension and proportion. Finally, Dr. Kolker uses silicone gel or saline implant sizers during surgery to confirm the size selection. As a rule in realizing the most beautiful endpoint, Dr. Kolker strives to achieve natural and proportional size and shape, directed by your thoroughly considered desires and goals. With his years of experience and attention to detail, Dr. Kolker has earned a reputation amongst his patients for providing high quality breast implants and cosmetic surgery.


Frequently asked questions about breast augmentation

What is the recovery time and activity restrictions after breast implants?

Dr. Albright wants all of his patients to get the best result possible.  What we do after breast augmentation surgery is just as important as the surgery itself.  Although there are slight variations in breast augmentation techniques, patients will have 2 weeks with minimal reaching/pulling with the arms, and less than 20 pounds lifting of weight.  This is followed by 2 more weeks of less than 45 pounds lifting, but during this time you may reach and pull with the arms.  In total, there will be 4 weeks of no intense exercise and you will be in a bra 24/7 except for showering.  After these 4 weeks, most patients may begin regular exercise as tolerated. See below for quick 4 minute video from Dr. Albright on recovery:

What type of breast implant is the best choice, silicone or saline?

During your consultation, Dr. Albright, one of the best breast implant surgeons in Texas, he will discuss the differences between salt-water (saline) filled versus silicone gel filled breast implants. For most patients the choice will boil down to the overall comfort level with risks/benefits of the implant fill material.  Here is a brief comparison of saline versus silicone breast implants. For further information check out our blog article on the different types of implants.

1. Breast Implants and Rupture
For saline implants, if the implant were to rupture, your body would slowly absorb the salt-water and you would notice a “deflation” or loss of volume in the affected breast. Conversely, with newer cohesive silicone implants, implant ruptures are often “silent”, meaning you may not be able to see or feel a difference in the implant after a rupture.  The FDA recommends scheduled MRI surveillance of silicone implants to help detect these silent ruptures.  If your silicone implant ruptures, the FDA recommends having it removed with or without replacement.  The recommended MRI’s are not covered by insurance and will have to be paid out of pocket.

2. Breast Implant Cost
Saline implants are typically less expensive to purchase than silicone implants (typically several hundred dollars) but may have less extensive warranty coverage.  An exception to the cheaper initial cost for saline-filled implants is the new “Ideal Implant”, which is a “structured”saline-filled implant that is purported to feel more like a silicone implant and has a similar overall cost to silicone implants.

3. Breast Implant Feel
Silicone implants, including gummy bear breast implants, are widely accepted as feeling more “natural” or“breast-like” particularly when squeezed or prodded. However, this is likely an over simplification. The overall implant feel is also affected by implant pocket selection, implant fill characteristics (over-filled vs under-filled saline and more or less cohesive silicone gel), and overall soft tissue coverage.  Dr. Albright typically reserves saline-filled implant use to below the muscle (total submuscular) to minimize any unnatural feel.  Furthermore, he discourages using saline implants in a dual-plane pocket as these implants may migrate more quickly due to a water hammer effect from the saline fluid on the surrounding soft tissue.

4. Breast Implant Weight
The implant fill density (typically grams per cc of volume) is very similar between 0.9% Normal Saline, and cohesive silicone gel.  Both approximate 1g per cc.  Since saline implants come deflated and are filled with salt water during the procedure, they have a range of fill volumes that can be placed and are more adjustable, whereas silicone implants come pre filled and have a fixed volume. But even with these variables, differences between implant weight (at least within the range of most implant sizes) are negligible.

5. Implant Rippling
Alamo Plastic Surgery is the one of the best places to get breast implants in Texas. Every breast implant has the risk for rippling/scalloping/waviness/folding in its shell.  This is why ensuring adequate soft tissue coverage to “hide” the implant is so important. There are certainly differences in overall risk of seeing or feeling these ripples or folds. Underfilled-saline implants are at greater risk than over-filled saline implants.  Less cohesive silicone gel filled implants are at greater risk than more cohesive silicone gel implants.

Should my breast implants be placed over or under the muscle?

Implant pocket is the most important determinant of outcome and is described by the relationship of the implant to the pectoralis muscle on the chest.  The “pec” muscle is a flat fan-shaped chest muscle connected to the front of the chest on three sides (collar bone, outside border of the breast bone, and along the ribs near the lower part of the breast).  The muscle is not connected to the chest wall on the side toward your armpit (you can pinch the muscle between your fingers on the side) as it spans over the armpit to connect the chest to your upper arm.  Placing the implant above this muscle is called subglandular or prepectoral.

Placing the implant below the muscle is called submuscular or subpectoral, and can be further differentiated by being completely under the muscle (total submuscular), or partly under the muscle (dual-plane). When an implant is placed below the muscle, the procedure is more painful and you may need more pain medication. However, for most women, the pain is temporary and there is no difference in pain long term. By changing the pocket, you can change the overall breast look as well as the relative short and long term risks and benefits of the procedure.

During your consultation from the breast implant specialist, Dr. Albright will help you decide which implant pocket is best for you.

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What is the right size breast implant for my body?

Although most women worry about specific implant volume, implant pocket and implant dimensions are more important considerations - especially if you have a particular “look” you are trying to achieve.  To this end, a simple exercise for patients considering breast augmentation is to begin collecting photos of models you like, in clothes/swimsuits/underwear/naked. You can also view Dr Albright’s B&A gallery online or in the office to get additional examples. Together you and Dr. Albright, who owns Alamo Plastic Surgery (one of the best places to get breast augmentation) will figure out how to achieve your best look.

Please see 3 minute video below from Dr. Albright on sizing implants:

Do I need a breast lift with my breast augmentation procedure?

This is the first question to answer when considering a breast augmentation. Dr. Albright will assess your breast tissue, the skin of the breast and the position of the nipple to help you decide which of breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast lift with breast augmentation would be best.

The ideal breast augmentation candidate is a patient that desires more breast volume. If you desire to wear a larger cup size, then more volume will be needed. If you are happy with the volume of breast tissue in a bra, but not with the droopiness of the breast out of clothing, then a breast lift is best. Do you want more volume and need to fix a little breast droop? Typically, if the nipple position is below the fold of the breast while standing in front of a mirror and you want larger breasts, a lift with an implant (augmentation mastopexy) procedure will likely be needed.

Visit Alamo Plastic Surgery for an affordable breast augmentation quote with financing starting at $257/month. For a full explanation visit Dr. Albright's YouTube explanation on breast implants with lift versus breast augmentation.

Please see short 4 minute video below on how to tell if you need a lift with breast augmentation:

Why do breast implants move/displace over time?

Gravity, muscle contraction, and soft tissue resistance to these forces.

All implants will have a natural tendency to displace over time due to gravity.  Implants are weights.  In fact, implants are typically more dense (weigh more given same volume) than breast tissue!  Implant pocket will affect the degree of implant displacement due to gravity.  When the implant is placed completely underneath the pectoralis muscle (the lower part of the muscle is still connected to the ribs near the bottom fold of the breast), the implant will be supported by these muscle fiber attachments and resist downward movement of the implant due to gravity.  Subglandular and Dual Plane Submuscular pockets do not have this lower muscle support and therefore will be more likely to allow implants to move down the chest. Get your breast implantation surgery from the one of the top rated breast implant surgeons in Texas - Dr. Albright.

Muscle Contraction
When an implant is placed underneath the pectoralis muscle and the muscle contracts, the muscle fibers will shorten and create a pressure on the implant.  The implant will want to go where there is less pressure, and this is typically where there is no muscle coverage.  Imagine squeezing a balloon in your fist, the balloon will be pushed out through the open side of your fist.  Both total submuscular implants and partial submuscular (dual plane) implants are subjected to this force from contracting muscle.  These two implant pockets will tend to push the implants toward the armpits over time.  Additionally, for dual plane implants, where there is no longer muscle support from the bottom side of the breast, and therefore, the implant can also be pushed out from under the breast toward the belly.  This creates a “double-bubble” deformity.  When an implant is placed above the muscle, it is not squeezed by the muscle and actively displaced by muscle contraction. Dr. Albright has great skills and expertise in breast implantation and he is considered as one of the best breast implant surgeons in Texas.

Soft Tissue Resistance
The only thing resisting gravity and muscle contraction is soft tissue (skin, fascia and scar tissue). The skin and fascia of the breast are designed to stretch to allow for possible milk production, and are therefore not ideal counter-forces. Women with damaged skin and stretch marks on the breasts are particularly at risk. The only remaining soft tissue support is the scar tissue that forms around the implant. When an implant is placed in your body, your body will start to wall it off with scar tissue. This scar tissue is called the implant capsule.  Patients differ in how robust this scar tissue layer is.
Plastic surgeons’ do not have a way to predict how thick or robust this scar tissue will be for patients.  If you happen to produce a thin/flimsy capsule, your implant will be more likely to migrate out of position. Plastic surgeons’ have tried to create a thicker capsules by using textured surfaces to the implants, and a variety of meshes to reinforce the capsule. Textured surfaces on the implant allow a more intimate connection between the scar tissue and the implant thereby resisting movement of the implant. However, these textured surfaces have been implicated in a very rare type of cancer. The lone remaining viable option is  to use a mesh to support the implant and resist displacement due to muscle contraction.  Meshes are either biologic or synthetic and all have unique benefits and drawbacks.

Dr. William Albright is one of the premier plastic surgeons in Texas and offers first-class plastic surgery services in a comfortable and private environment.

Please see video below from Dr. William Albright on breast implant migration factors:

Which breast augmentation incision is best for me?

Dr Albright recommends placing the breast augmentation incision along the lower breast fold (inframammary fold). This affords the best control of implant pocket dissection, a critical step during breast augmentation. Additionally this incision is associated with the lowest risk of developing capsular contracture, which is a progressive pathologic thickening of the scar tissue around the implant (the capsule).

The most widely accepted cause of capsular contracture is chronic inflammation in the scar tissue around the implant due to bacteria colonizing the surface of the implant. The bacteria may be encountered during implant placement either through milk ducts around the areola or in hair bearing pores / sweat glands in the armpit (axilla). Accessing the breast pocket through the belly button (umbilicus) or TUBA (transumbilical breast augmentation), has been criticized for difficulty with pocket development, and limits implant selection to saline implants.

How can I maintain my results from breast augmentation?

Understanding that the biology of aging can’t be reversed with a scalpel, there are some common sense precautions you can take to prolong the longevity of your result.  Breast tissue and breast implants have weight.  In fact, breast implants are typically heavier than native breast tissue for the same volume.

Fat transfer breast augmentation has gravity and activities will move this weight over time, and eventually overpower the soft tissue support creating droopiness and a poorly positioned implant. For this reason, Dr. Albright recommends wearing breast support as much as possible, including at night, for life. Related to this concept of soft tissue strain, one should avoid significant weight fluctuations either up or down.

Finally, we can avoid unnecessary damage to the soft tissue by limiting nicotine exposure and tanning.

When will I see results from my Breast Augmentation?

For most patients there will be initial swelling from breast augmentation surgery followed by gradual resolution of the swelling with a resulting loss of volume. Around 2 months, most of the swelling has resolved and you will be at your approximate breast size. At this point you can go out and purchase your new wardrobe (bras, bikinis, etc)!

However, even at this point, you may not have your final breast SHAPE out-of-clothes (how the breast will look when standing naked).  This is because the overlying soft tissues are still adjusting to the implant which takes about 2-3 months for above-the-muscle implants to about 4-6 months for below-the-muscle implants.

Depending on your goals, this may help you figure out when to schedule your breast augmentation surgery Stone Oak, TX.


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for Breast Augmentation

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To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Albright, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.

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