For all breast implant patients, there comes a time when a touch-up or perhaps even a major revision is needed to rejuvenate the look and feel of the breasts. The question is always when, not if. Just as we expect the breast tissue itself to change with age, augmented breasts will also “age”. This process can lead to a variety of distressing functional and cosmetic issues which may or may not require surgery to correct. Although many women have anxiety about revision breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Albright is here to help! He will give an honest assessment of the underlying problems and possible solutions to achieve an improved and more rejuvenated breast.
The first step to approaching breast implant revision is to identify the problem. The common functional problems with implants are capsular contracture and implant rupture. These issues require surgery to fix and may need to be fixed sooner rather than later. Dr. Albright, one of the best Breast Implant Surgeons in San Antonio, TX, will discuss more detailed recommendations during your postoperative visits.
Even without a functional problem with the implants, plastic surgery patients may be dissatisfied with the appearance of their augmented breasts. The cosmetic issues involved are more complex than many realize, as the problem may relate to the implant, the overlying breast/soft tissue, or, most frequently, a combination of both. Dr. Albright is an expert in identifying these issues and utilizes the most up-to-date surgical procedures to address these concerns.
Dr. William Albright, MD, is a trusted plastic surgeon in San Antonio, TX. He is board-certified by American Board of Plastic Surgery. He specializes in cosmetic and body surgery, including breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and mommy makeovers. Schedule your appointment today at (210)-670-5302.
Great, so how do we fix the implants?!?
Dr. Albright utilizes the most up-to-date techniques to improve outcomes in revision breast implant surgery. Although no augmentation revision surgery is “permanent”, Dr. Albright will try to obtain lasting results by addressing the underlying problem with the most appropriate solutions. Get contact with Alamo Plastic Surgery is one of the best plastic surgery clinics for Breast implant revision Often multiple techniques are used during the surgery, and they include:
- Changing the implant (dimensions / volume / fill-type / implant shell surface)
- Changing the implant pocket
- Capsule adjustments including capsulorrhaphy (suture adjustment), capsulotomy (incision adjustment) and capsulectomy (capsule removal)
- Soft tissue reinforcement with mesh for implant support
- Removal of damaged excess skin
- Repositioning of the nipple