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5 Tummy Tuck Myths
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5 Tummy Tuck Myths

Written by
Juli Albright
Juli is our patient advocate and community connection. She balances work, life and family with grace.
Juli is our patient advocate and community connection. She balances work, life and family with grace.

5 Tummy Tuck Myths

For many people, it may be surprising to learn your friend, sister or co-worker had a tummy tuck. It is often something people do not speak about is very private. When you realize someone has had a tummy tuck, you may be very surprised. For a good tummy tuck, the results are quite natural-looking and any scars easily hidden with bikini bottoms.

While the natural results are great for tummy tuck patients, it can lead other women to feel self conscious about their own stomachs. Often due to pregnancy, weight gain and loss, or genetics, women have diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles leading to the stomach pooching out) and excess skin caused from the weight gain and loss.  There are many myths circulating around tummy tucks.  Many women have different experiences and there are multiple online sources, Facebook groups, and chat rooms that can have misleading information. 

In this article, we debunk some of the common tummy tuck myths that many of our patients ask at their consultations.  It is truly a life-changing surgery, and we do not want any of the myths to hold you back.  Below we have exposed some of the common tummy tuck myths.  

Myth #1 – Tummy Tucks are for Weight Loss

We often receive inquiries from people at their peak weight and still gaining. They see tummy tuck as a "quick" fix to the unwanted weight gain.  In this case, there is no excess skin to remove.  For a tummy tuck, you should be close to your goal weight and at a stable weight for at least six months.  They can be combined with liposuction to remove stubborn unwanted fat.  On average, however, a tummy tuck with liposuction removes approximately 4-5 pounds.  Due to swelling and forced inactivity during recovery after surgery, most people gain back any weight lost in surgery and sometimes more!   Tummy tucks and liposuction should be thought of as a body contouring procedure not a weight loss procedure.  Dr. Albright will essentially remove the excess skin on you belly and stitch the incision up for a flatter and svelte tummy.

Myth #2 - One Tummy Tuck for Everyone

There are actually four main types of tummy tucks which Dr. Albright will go over each of these with you and tailor the procedure to meet your goals based on your unique physique.

1. Full Abdominoplasty - The common scar pattern is a horizontal (side-to-side) scar located above the pubic mound near where a C-section scar would be placed. The scar is contoured and positioned so that it should be fairly easy to hide with most types of underwear and bikini bottoms.  The scar is longer than a C section scar, and the length depends on how much skin needs to be removed with a "mini abdominoplasty" having the shortest length scar. Occasionally, if the belly button is being relocated, a short vertical scar may be necessary between the belly button and the low horizontal scar, and a scar will be placed around the ‘new’ belly button.

2. Mini / Partial abdominoplasty - This will allow skin removal only below the belly button.

3. Fleur de lis abdominoplasty - Often used for people who have gone through a significant weight loss journey.

4. Extended abdominoplasty - For those that have had an extensive weight loss journey this may be required to lift your buttocks and thighs as well.

Myth #3 – Tummy Tucks are Only for Women who have been Pregnant

This is not true.  Although it is most common in women who have had several pregnancies, typically a tummy tuck is recommended if there has been a large weight loss regardless if you have been pregnant.  More men are also opting for male tummy tucks after weight loss as they are uncomfortable with the loose skin around their belly and having to wear certain clothing to hide the bulge.

Myth #4 – Everyone can See Your Scars

Expert plastic surgeons know exactly how to place the scar so it is very discrete and easy to hide. In fact, most people will never see your tummy tuck scar or even guess you have had a tummy tuck. In both men and women, most scars are place below the underwear line.

Even in cases when your scar may be visible, it is generally not that noticeable. Most people twelve months or greater after the surgery are not bothered by the scar and describe it as faded white line that becomes more and more faint.

Myth #5 – Tummy Tucks are Only for Young People

Typically most patients who get a tummy tuck are in there 30-50s. We have had several patients in their late 60's have a tummy tuck, however. The only requirement for surgery is to be healthy for an elective cosmetic procedure. Often women or men find it can help kick start a retirement or add a little confidence.

Consultation with Dr. Albright

Are you interested in gaining confidence and self-esteem with a tummy tuck in San Antonio? You can discuss all of your goals with Dr. Albright at your initial consultation. To book yours today, give our San Antonio office a call at 210-670-5302.

Written by
Juli Albright

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