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Fleur Des Lis Tummy Tuck Versus Full Abdominoplasty
Tummy Tuck

Fleur Des Lis Tummy Tuck Versus Full Abdominoplasty

Written by
Juli Albright
Juli is our patient advocate and community connection. She balances work, life and family with grace.
Juli is our patient advocate and community connection. She balances work, life and family with grace.

Fleur Des Lis Tummy Tuck Versus Full Abdominoplasty

Significant weight loss is a huge accomplishment whether through diet and exercise or weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery). Although most people love the energy they have and ability to for more movement after weight loss, many feel very uncomfortable with their sagging skin. Just to wear a normal t-shirt can be a problem. Once that skin is stretched and loose, no amount of crunches or exercise will restore the skin to a "normal" taunt look. For many women with "normal" pregnancies a mini-tummy tuck or full abdominoplasty can be sufficient to yield the desired results. However, a traditional tummy tuck often will not allow the surgeon to take enough skin for massive weight loss patients (usually they have lost over 100 pounds). For the patients, Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty is available to provide that smooth curvy figure patients desire.

Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty at Alamo Plastic Surgery

Dr. William Albright, board-certified plastic surgeon in San Antonio, specializes in breast and body plastic surgery. A Tummy Tuck, or an abdominoplasty, refers to a body contouring procedure that eliminates the accumulation of excess skin and muscle from the stomach. Typically with a Tummy Tuck the patient is left with an incision running laterally across the abdomen, from one hip to the other, just above the pubic bone. The Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty utilizes an additional incision, running vertically down the midsection, to better address the loose skin and lax abdominal muscles. Below is an example of a fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty:

Candidate for Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty

Anyone who has lost a large amount of weight, is at a healthy BMI, and has maintained their weight for at least 6 months will benefit from a tummy tuck procedure. We recommend you meeting with several board-certified plastic surgeons to determine what type will achieve your goals.

Recovery from Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty

In the first week after surgery, the patient will need to maintain a flexed waist (bent-over) position while standing, sitting and lying down. In the days following surgery if drains are used, they will typically be removed by the second week.  In the first week patients will wear an abdominal binder 24/7, followed by 5 weeks of a compression garment.   Walking exercise may be resumed by 4 weeks in most patients, followed by advancing to strenuous activities at 6 weeks.  

Most patients will be unrestricted by 2 months after surgery (out of compression and performing all normal exercise activities).  However, if a rectus diastasis repair was performed, Dr. Albright will recommend avoiding intense abdominal bracing movements like heavy weightlifting, until 3 months after surgery, and with precautions.One of the biggest reasons for the tremendous growth in non-surgical or minimally-invasive body contouring procedures is the longer recovery involved with surgery.  However the surgical result can not be replicated with these other technologies.  Every month, Dr. Albright works with patients who have high work / life demands, including parental responsibilities.  Although individual recommendations may vary, most patients will need at least 2 weeks to recover from surgery prior to resuming less physically demanding work assignments, regular household chores and primary child care.  Ideally the patient’s younger children do not need to be lifted routinely, and are able to climb in and out of their car seat without help.  Most patients benefit from the assistance of a spouse or partner for the first week, and a family member for the second week.

Results from Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty

Patients will be able to notice results from their Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty in San Antonio immediately after surgery. Swelling and bruising are very common and may take up to six months to fully resolve. Typically Dr. Albright will show the operative photos to patients (taken before swelling / bruising occurs) so patients can understand after recovery what they will most likely look like.

Written by
Juli Albright

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